THE KEEPERS - A Netflix Docuseries
There is a new documentary project on Netflix called The Keepers. It is a 7-part series which explores the unsolved murder of nun Sister Cathy Cesnik who taught English and drama at Archbishop Keough High School, a catholic school for girls in Baltimore. Her former students believe that there was a cover up by "authorities" after Cesnik suspected that the priest at the
school was sexually abusing girls.
The Washington Post - True Crime Reporter - Tom Jackman reveals that after the series aired on May 19th, 2017, the Baltimore Police received hundreds of calls regarding sexual abuse by priest Rev. A. Joseph Maskell and his associates in 1969 and 1970. During the second episode one abused woman revealed that police officers were present and also took part in abusing her.
It is my opinion that no one, absolutely no one in authority cares about girls, cares about the rape of girls, cares about the murder of nuns, cares about the traumas women suffer at the hands of men. No one. Argue with me.